3 research outputs found

    Reading Comprehension and Behavior in Children Using E-books vs. Printed Books

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence that personalized, gamified, and PDF electronic reading practices have on the attitudes which fifth-grade students possess toward e-reading experiences, as well as how these stances affect the students' motivation and reading comprehension while they are learning English as a second/foreign language (EFL). For the purpose of the study, there were a total of 84 fifth-grade kids from public schools in Greece, who participated. These students were split up into three different experimental groups and a control one. Participants in the experimental groups read throughout the treatment period according to a preset schedule using one of three diverse electronic reading formats (PDF, gamified, or customized), whilst participants in the control group read utilizing a paper guided reading plan. The participants' experiences playing video games online were analyzed via a technique called the quasi-experimental approach. According to the findings of the research, the experimental group and the control group did not significantly vary from one another in terms of their levels of reading comprehension. On the other hand, in comparison to the participants in the control group, those who took part in the experiments reported having more favorable sentiments regarding their electronic reading experiences and were more inspired to read. As indicated from the research findings, kids may experience an increase in their desire to read when they use electronic gadgets. This study has implications for educators and policymakers as they consider incorporating digital reading practices into their teaching methods, particularly when it comes to improving students' motivation to read

    Estrategias de textualizaci贸n para mejorar la producci贸n de textos expositivos en estudiantes de secundaria

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo demostrar la mejora significativa en la producci贸n de textos explicativos tras la aplicaci贸n de la estrategia de textualizaci贸n en alumnos de una escuela secundaria ubicada en Lima. Tiene un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada con dise帽o cuasi experimental. La poblaci贸n estuvo conformada por 309 estudiantes, la muestra fue no probabil铆stica y estuvo formada por 52 estudiantes. La t茅cnica utilizada fue la observaci贸n y los instrumentos utilizados fueron una r煤brica de medici贸n de la producci贸n de textos expositivos y el instrumento de prueba de redacci贸n. La validez fue dada por juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad se comprob贸 mediante el estad铆stico alfa de CronBach aplicado a una muestra piloto de 30 estudiantes. Seg煤n los resultados obtenidos se concluye que la producci贸n de textos expositivos mejora significativamente al aplicar la estrategia de textualizaci贸n en estudiantes de secundaria de una escuela p煤blica de Lima, ya que los resultados del estad铆stico U-Mann-Whitney: 5,546 y p= 0,000.Campus At

    Teaching attitudes associated with new information and communication technologies in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The purpose of the research is to determine the relationship between the teaching attitude associated with new information and communication technologies in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, a quantitative, basic approach was applied, with a hypothetical-deductive method, non-experimental design, correlational descriptive. The sample consisted of 105 primary school teachers from UGEL No. 15. The technique applied was a survey through two questionnaires, validation through expert judgment, and reliability was determined with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (0.97). According to the results, it was obtained that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient equal to 0.656 and the significance is 蟻 = 0.01 (蟻 < 0.05), so the null hypothesis is rejected and it is accepted that there is a direct relationship between attitude teacher and the use of new information and communication technologies in times of pandemic by COVID-19